For guests that are staying at Leaping Deer Ranch, we offer range time at our 250-yard shooting range
The Leaping Deer Ranch Shooting Range
Bring your firearms to a stay at Leaping Deer Ranch. We have some unique targets or you can bring your own. We can accommodate handguns and rifles up to .308 or 7.62mm calibers. Range time is $10 per shooter. You must supply your own ammunition. We are fully insured and have experienced range safety officers, the insurance company requires that a qualified and experienced Range Safety is present at all times when shooters are on the range. By appointment only.
Pistol shooting
We have some fun targets that are make from armored steel
Tactical Engagement Course ($200 per pair)
We offer a tactical engagement course.
Some of the Concepts taught
Immediate action for a weapons malfunction during an engagement
Shooting while moving
Shooting from behind cover
Tactical reload
Protection of your weapon
Drawing techniques
Negotiation of corners
Assuming various shooting postures
Scanning for threats
A single course session is 2 hours long. It is unlikely that all topics can be covered in two hours. It depends on the number of participants and their proficiency. We have to split the course into a part A and B. Each session includes on box of rounds.